Friday, March 11, 2011

photo shoot

The past couple days have kind of been a blur.  I haven't really done anything but at the same time I've been doing things everyday.  Confused? So am I.  For example; ever since the start of the week I've been sleeping in until noon everyday, I eat breakfast at 12:30, hang around the house watching some dating show and then eat lunch with the Simpsons at 2:30.  Then I usually go out for a walk (cause I get bored in the house easily) come back at around 6, have a snack, hang around the house with Yeyo and Javi, eat dinner at around 9:30 and then head out with my friends....Needless to say, when your day starts getting good at 10pm, you're body starts getting confused.

So besides the eating, TV and going for walks, what have I done since we last spoke? Well, I did go to a concert in my plaza.  I don't exactly know who was singing...except that he won Operación Triunfo (Spanish American Idol), there was a going away party for my Irish friend Alannah, we went to la Viña one night (an old neighborhood), I went to Bahía Sur in San Fernando, and I guess that's it.  Oh, I also finally have access to Campus Virtual (where all my homework is for my courses).  I was getting worried that I'd never be able to do anything for my classes but they finally registered me and I've started studying already...yey geekiness!

Yesterday I went out on my walk with Jacqueline and we took some really nice pictures!!  I'm attaching them below.  And also later on today I think I'm going to Jerez with Javi (Yeyo already left this morning).  That's all I have to say for now (10:30am), hasta luego. OH! I almost forgot! I also gave up speaking English to my friends for Lent.  It's actually been going pretty well and I don't feel like a loser for wanting to speak Spanish to them.  I got other people to do it too: I'm a trend setter!

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