So besides the eating, TV and going for walks, what have I done since we last spoke? Well, I did go to a concert in my plaza. I don't exactly know who was singing...except that he won Operación Triunfo (Spanish American Idol), there was a going away party for my Irish friend Alannah, we went to la Viña one night (an old neighborhood), I went to Bahía Sur in San Fernando, and I guess that's it. Oh, I also finally have access to Campus Virtual (where all my homework is for my courses). I was getting worried that I'd never be able to do anything for my classes but they finally registered me and I've started studying already...yey geekiness!
Yesterday I went out on my walk with Jacqueline and we took some really nice pictures!! I'm attaching them below. And also later on today I think I'm going to Jerez with Javi (Yeyo already left this morning). That's all I have to say for now (10:30am), hasta luego. OH! I almost forgot! I also gave up speaking English to my friends for Lent. It's actually been going pretty well and I don't feel like a loser for wanting to speak Spanish to them. I got other people to do it too: I'm a trend setter!
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